24 January, 2006

More protest convictions

Five more bastards have been convicted of getting in the way of the business of our Deal Leader:

Everyone charged was convicted and fined £50 with a year's conditional discharge so if they get in any trouble this charge will be taken into account and could be made more serious. Previous cases have received higher fines so that could be seen as progress. Although for the people involved, the criminal convictions will do more damage than the fine.

Emma defended herself and called a few witnesses, Brian Haw and 2 coppers who both looked like army recruits speaking in robotic voices. The police testimony was rather amusing and possibly the highlight of an otherwise rather boring day in court. Emma was kept to the individual charges in her questioning so couldn't really get Brian talking about the background as much as she seemed to want to. In the end she adopted the other defendants argument and was sentenced with the rest.

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