You may have noticed that I've not posted on this thing for almost 2 weeks.
There's nothing important to blame: part-Xmas-related work/family things, part-buying a Gamecube & spending my time playing on that, and part needing time to replenish the bile. A down-sde of this is that I'm a bit out-of-touch with current world events: I didn't know the following:
- A US judge had banned "Intelligent Design" as it violated the First Amendment,
- Iraqi elections which have created a theocracy... (yay!), or
- A big carol service/demonstration within 1 km of parliament, without prior aproval (and so was illegal),
- The Canadian Supreme Court says that group sex in private clubs is legal
- The US Government has severe problems with due process "One government official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the administration complained bitterly that the FISA process demanded too much: to name a target and give a reason to spy on it.
- Bolivia is the latest S. American country to vote for someone not backed by the Yanks (expect a coup next year), as CNN says it is a "nightmare" result,
- The stupidest political quotes of the year (being US-biased, it doesn't include Poodle's "There is no justification for Iran or any other country interfering in Iraq"),
- The FOIA blog had a response to their request over their Al-Jazeera memo request: the govt admit they have info on it, but say they won't release it as it's exempt under s.27 FOIA 2000, which refers to confidential information which could piss off other countries (which shouldn't be a reason at all).
My next post (which I've been working on for a while) won't be a political rant (!), but will be about the different albums I've bought during this year, giving my views & recommendations on them and then coming up with (or at least trying to) a list of what I think has been the best of the past 12 months (some you will have heard of, some you may have heard of, some you probably won't!).
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