28 December, 2005


A Greek newspaper Proto Thema (can’t find a website for it) has named the head of MI6 in Greece, who’s supposed to be involved in the abduction and mistreatment of 28 Pakistani immigrants (or as the Secret Service would probably call ‘em “Fuckin’ Paki’s”). Our beloved government has banned the media from naming him, but has sent him back home.

If anyone has his name, send it to the address linked to on the top right of the screen. I'd also accept any English-langaue artuicles which name him (original or translated from Greek).

UPDATE: According to Cryptome, the guy's name is Nicholas Langman and is on the Foreign Office's Diplomatic list. Why try to stop his name being published then, if you've already released it? They also have a scan of the actual Greek paper article. The Greek version of MI5 are complaining about it.

UPDATE: Private Eye have also published his name in their latest issue (dead-tree version only).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because the Greek magazine Proto Thema has published the alleged name of the British MI6 station chief in Athens, does not mean that this is correct, or that he was actually present at or even directly involved in the allegedly brutal interogation of the Pakistani suspects.

You can read the alleged name, and see a scan of the Greek article on the
Cryptome website