15 September, 2006

Applying for Permission...

I went and handed in my form for next week’s protest – this time you have to protest against two things:

  1. “Radiohead”: their song “No Surprises” contains the lyrics “Bring down the government/They don’t, they don’t speak for us” which I feel is apt…
  2. “Pointless bureaucracy”: the fact that I have to spend my precious free time filling in a form and then having to traipse along to the police station to get them to sign and authorise it which also wastes their time.

While I was doing this I bumped into Davide of Nether-World and Blairwatch and we went to the pub for a few drinks and talked about various things…

On my way home, I got a call off the police! They said that they were unable to authorise my protest as I’d asked for permission to protest within the entire “Designate Area” which they said was not allowed! I then said “In that case, please can you change it to Parliament Square?” which was acceptable…

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