07 December, 2006

Non-illegal protests?

According to the Parliament Protest blog comes word of a Bill in the House of Lords (the Public Demonstrations (Repeals) Bill) to repeal, amongst other things, the SCOPA Parliament protest ban. Unsurprisingly, the proposer is a Lib Dem Peer.

I don't think it's likely that it would pass as it'd mean that the government would vote to repeal part of its own Act.

I sent this email to her - hopefully others will do the same:

Dear Lady Miller

I came across a website which mentions your Bill to revoke, amongst other things, the SCOPA Parliament protest ban.

Thank you for proposing this, you have the majority of the public behind you.

I hope it passes as I am only one of many people who have had to waste the Police's time and taxpayers' money by registering in order to use my democratic rights.

Yours sincerely

Let's hope it gets a lot of publicity and passes!

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