15 February, 2006

Here come ID cards...

From the BBC:

Ministers have won a Commons vote making it compulsory for people to be given ID cards - and put on a register - when they apply for passports. The plans, rejected by peers last month, will now go back before the House of Lords.

Guess this means that when my passport comes up for renewal in 10 years time I won’t be renewing it. They don’t mention driving licences though; were they not included in this vote? Or was it not intended to include them anyway?

Earlier, MPs approved a measure requiring new legislation before ID cards are made compulsory for all.

I’d like to see if that’s what the House of Lords voted in favour of before I comment.

A list of Labour MPs who voted in favour of freedom is here. Not suprisingly, my MP - the dear Kitty Usher - voted with the government. Fucking New Labour robots, I'll dance on their graves.

UPDATE: you will have to have an ID card when you renew your driving licence!

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