15 February, 2006

How to get Labour out

Following on from the past few days in Parliament, comes a way to get rid of New Labour:

Bloggers can play a role in defeating New Labour.
  1. Liberal Labour bloggers can work within the party in an attempt to bring the control freaks to heel

  2. Lib Dem and Conservative bloggers can emphasise the links between the parties, and persuade activists to put aside old scores

  3. The non-partisan can continue to highlight issues and attack the govt on its record

I fully support this. Living in Burnley, there’s a (very slight) possibility, going on the make-up of the Council that the Lib Dems could take the seat – taking out the beloved Kitty Usher – if we got our act together, as the Lib Dems are the second biggest party on the Council. What could hold us back is that there is a significant BNP presence on the Council, which would draw votes from Labour; although this could be a positive, as long as enough votes are drawn from them.

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