20 November, 2005

Kitty Ussher's justification

In lieu of a lack of response from my MP to the reply to her position on 90-days detention (though to be honest, I only replied on Friday evening, so maybe “her people” haven’t got around to the concerns of her constituents), comes her justification of her position (with a good commentary from Europhobia):

"I very much hope that we will never have another terrorist atrocity in Britain. But if we do, and if it happens because the police have not had sufficient time to accumulate enough evidence to charge the perpetrators, then the Tories, the Lib Dems and our own rebels will have blood on their hands."

Which is pretty much what the reply to my first email was…

Like Tony Blair, Kitty believed that the police and security services asked for these powers and the responsible thing to do was listen to them. The clear fact is that this was not a policy of simply locking someone up for 90 days. There would have been a requirement that a judge reviewed the situation every week and decide whether it was appropriate for a suspect to remain in custody. I think the question on a terrorist act must now fall back onto those who voted against the legislation, what if a suspect commits and act of terror that could have been stopped had the police had 90 days to investigate?

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