20 November, 2005

The Sun vs Sanity

On Tuesday, before the 90-day detention vote, Pravda's front page was this:

(It's worth pointing out that the Sun didn't ask permission of the guy in question, as if it did, it would've known that he was opposed to Bliar's plans...)

On Wednesday, it has this:

On Thursday, in response to the anti-terror vote, the front page of Pravda was this:

Who's the bigger traitor? Someone who votes to keep the ideas we've cherished for 800 years & fought two world wars to save, or someone who is willing (in fact eager) to give them up at the first possible opportunity? Note the fact it proudly displays a poppy... Guess the irony of calling to give up the freedoms that the poppy represents is lost of 'em...

Is it any suprise I call the Sun Pravda?

In response, QWGHLM has come up with this, which I whole-heartedly support:

On Friday, the Guardian's cartoon was a bit of a piss-take of their reaction:

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