27 November, 2005

Time to move on...

I've previously mentioned that the Serious Organised Crime Act was created to victimise an anti-war protestor who's camped outside Parliament.

Well from Bloggerheads, comes this:

Britain's most persistent anti-war demonstrator was today ordered to quit his protest
. Parliament Square protester Brian Haw has been served with a legal notice to dismantle his makeshift peace camp opposite the House of Commons. Ministers expect him to be gone by August.... Mr Haw's removal would end demonstrations outside the Houses of Parliament for the first time in 350 years. [i.e. since before the Civil War when we had a war-mongering leader who thought he had a divine right to rule the country & no-one could tell him otherwise... Wait a minute... that seems strangely familiar. Why?] The Home Office brought in special laws last month overturning the centuries-old right of people to challenge their elected representatives outside Westminster. They claimed the measures were needed for security reasons.

"Security reasons", yeah right! It's to embarrassing seeing him every day reminding everyone what you've done & you can't handle it.

So much for having a democratic right to speak out & protest about the actions of your government... Guess it only applies if you're supporting the government.

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